In light of the recent developments and Government recommendations regarding COVID-19, we are making some changes to our practice protocol.
Category: Medical
Yes, we are still open! | Coronavirus Update
It is business as usual at Main Street Medical, until further notice.
What we are doing (and always do) to protect YOU 😷
At Main Street Medical, we are constantly working to ensure that we provide a safe, hygienic and healthy environment in our practice.
COVID-19 Phone & Video GP Consultations
Phone and video consultations are available for vulnerable/isolated patients of Main Street Medical.
Coronavirus?! An informative guide to COVID-19 🏩
What is COVID-19? What are the symptoms? Who is at risk?
Workplace Flu Vaccinations 2020
Influenza vaccinations are an effective strategy for reducing sick leave during flu season.
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
If you are attending an appointment at Main Street Medical and are experiencing a fever with a cough, sore throat or shortness of breath and have travelled overseas in the past month -
Flu Vaccinations
The Influenza virus is constantly changing, so getting vaccinated every year means you're best protected against the most recent and common circulating strains.
Mental Health Care Plan
A mental health care plan entitles you to Medicare funded psychology services.