Privacy Policy

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We value your privacy and your medical record is a confidential document. Main Street Medical & Skin Centre maintains security of patient files to ensure information is only available to authorised staff members. The practice complies with the Health Records Act (Victoria 2001), the Privacy Act (Commonwealth 1988) and the Health Services (Conciliation and Review) Act 1995.

“Personal health information” means health information which either specifically identifies the individual or form which their identity can be reasonably ascertained.

To ensure privacy regarding any and all medical or personal information, we have a comprehensive procedure in place before any information is given to any party.
Every staff member is bound by his/her privacy clause which is signed as a condition of employment at this Practice.

We also attest that any written documentation is stored correctly, as we operate on a paperless system and the computer system we use is well protected and secure, any original documents are destroyed in a confidential manner.

When contacting the clinic by telephone, you will be asked to verify your full name, date of birth and address, so that we know we are booking the appointment for the right person.
When you come into the clinic you will again be asked the same 3 questions so that we can ensure that we have the correct person for the appointment.

3rd Party Requests for Access to Medical Records/Health Information

Requests for 3rd Party access to the medical record should be initiated by either receipt of correspondence from a solicitor or government agency or by the patient completing a Patient Request for Personal Health Information Form. Where a patient request form or and signed authorisation is not obtained the practice is not legally obliged to release.

Where requests for access are refused the patient may seek access under relevant privacy laws.

An organisation ‘holds’ health information if it is in their possession or control. If you have received reports or other health information from another organisation such as a medical specialist, you are required to provide access in the same manner as for the records you create. If the specialist has written ‘not to be disclosed to a third party’ or ‘confidential’ on their report, this has no legal effect in relation to requests for access under the Health Records Act. You are also required to provide access to records which have been transferred to you from another health service provider.

Requests for access to the medical record and associated financial details may be received from various 3rd Parties including:

  • Subpoena/court order/coroner/search warrant
  • Relatives/Friends
  • External doctors & Health Care Institutions
  • Police /Solicitors
  • Health Insurance companies/Workers Compensation/Social Welfare agencies
  • Employers
  • Government Agencies
  • Accounts/Debt Collection
  • Students (Medical& Nursing)
  • Research /Quality Assurance Programs
  • Media
  • International
  • Disease registers
  • Telephone Calls