FLU VACCINES NOW IN STOCK!Private and Government-funded flu vaccines have arrived at Main Street Medical.
We are now accepting bookings for all patients aged 6 months and up.
Call 03 9739 3837 or head to HotDoc to book your flu vaccination now!
Frequently Asked QuestionsI was vaccinated last year! Why do I need to be vaccinated every year?The Influenza virus is constantly changing, so getting vaccinated every year means you are protected against the most recent and common circulating strains. Your protection from Influenza declines over time.
What is the difference between a private flu vaccination and a Government-funded flu vaccination?At-risk or vulnerable patients are eligible for a free Government-funded flu vaccination each year, however all other patients will be required to pay a small fee of $20 each for their private flu vaccination.
The following people are currently eligible for a free Government-funded flu vaccine:
If you are unsure if you are eligible for a Government-funded vaccination, please book an appointment with your regular doctor to discuss.
When is the best time to be vaccinated?Vaccination is best undertaken between March and May, in anticipation of Australia’s peak flu season between June and September.
How do I book?Head to HotDoc to book into one of our clinics to get vaccinated. Be sure to book for the correct vaccine depending on your eligibility! For more information please contact us.